You Matter.


Welcome. I’m glad you’re here.

You’re looking for the right support to improve something in your life, amplify your purpose or deepen your relationship satisfaction. Those are already big steps and a good chunk of the work right there. So, kudos to you!

Now you want someone who gets you, who can put words to things you’ve been feeling, who will accept you as you are without judgment, and yet hold you accountable to your higher self, your greater good. You don’t just want to feel okay - you want to thrive!

I know the power of coming home to the body and being seen with caring eyes. I’ve seen it work for people just like you—big-hearted, creative people who care about the world around them, people who hold marginalized identities, people who want to be loved and to share love. People who are tired of work feeling like a dysfunctional family system and want to know how to level up and out.

I don’t pretend to know everything. You’re the expert on you and your experience. But I have some tools and experience from my own training and journey that can help you. We are humans in this together. I’m here for you.

You have a difference to make.

Align with your gifts and purpose so you can do the things you’re meant to do.

Start a new relationship with yourself now.